2011년 10월 31일 월요일

Registration Announcement II

1) Team registrations!
---Today is the last day for early registrations! Regs will be due until 11:59 PM Nov. 1, and from Nov.2 to Nov.7 we will accept late registrations, with an extended fee of 35000원 per person.

2)Staff registrations
---If anyone is interested as working as a staff member of KFLDT 2011, please email us your name, school, and a short 자기소개서. If one of the KFL Student Liaisons can advocate for you, then let one of them know so they can pass the word to our Org Com.

We'll accept 6 staff members. First come first serve. We already have recieved 3 registrations so 3 spots left!

2011년 10월 28일 금요일


Early Reg finishes in 2 days!! Everyone register up!!!

Here are some clarifications:

-Nov. 12/13 @ Hanyang. Check posts below for more information

-Each impromptu rounds will have 50 minutes of prep time

-5 minute speech per speaker in each round

2011년 10월 24일 월요일

What seperates KFLDT from other national tournaments?

KFLDT 2011- The first student-based nonprofit tournament to foster a healthier debating atmosphere in Korea and allow debate to be accessible to everyone throughout Korea.

KFLDT is the first tournament ever to be run by a student committee directed to develop debate throughout Korea and allow debate to become accessible to not only international schools or foreign language high schools, but to all students in Korea. We want to provide the best experience for all middle school students in Korea. Already we have recieved registrations from schools with diverse backgrounds; we are very pleased to see that debate is becoming accessible to as many students as possible.

KFLDT is also solely non profit. We thought it to be nonsense how debate tournament registration fees have slowly continued to rise, reaching a certain amount that seemed ridiculous. KFLDT thrives to create a same-magnitude sized tournament with only 30,000won per person, and provide the competitors the best experience, best food, and a fullfilling debate tournament. We feel national competitions that claim to be non profit and expect teams to pay huge amounts of money, are unneccessary.

Finally, KFLDT has incentives. As the first tournament to be held by KFL high school student liaisons directed to middle school students throughout Korea, we feel a healthy debating atmosphere will be maintained. KIDA is also supporting us with great judges that will surely help KFLDT to become better. We will also be handing out trophies, plaques, and certificates. Best speakers and teams that make it to the finals will also recieve credit when applying to the selection process of the Korean National Team for ESDC 2012 in Stuttgart, Germany next year, which occurs every November. The team which will be competing THIS year for ESDC 2011 has already been chosen during the summer by the KFL Student Liaisons.

As the qualified Korea Forensics League is hosting this tournament, we hope to see a lot of you anxious debators on Nov. 12/13 @ Hanyang University!!

See you there!

Venue Location

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the delay of our venue.

Our venue has been confirmed to be at Hanyang University (한양대학교). It's great news for all of us because Hanyang University has a subway station in it and is located within Seoul. I hope this new venue location will be good for all of us!

For those who are unaware of where 한양대학교 is go here: http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/ and look for 찾아오시는길 or Way to get to Hanyang.

EVERYONE please report to 한양대학교 사회과학대학교 311호 on Saturday. 311호 will act as our base camp, as it is the largest room.

For now, please be aware our FINAL location for KFLDT has been confirmed to be Hanyang University 사회과학대학교.

2011년 10월 22일 토요일

Registration Announcement

Early registration will be due Nov. 1st.

Late registration will be due on Nov. 7th. Late registration fee is 35000 won per person, 5000won more than early registration.

Time's ticking, so sign up for a great experience!

Updated Schedule + Motions

‎8:00~9:00 Registration
9:00~9:40 Orientation, Welcome Speech
9:40~11:40 Round 1 
11:40~1:00 Lunch
1:00~3:00 Round 2 
3:00~5:00 Round 3 "THBT the pros of nuclear energy outweigh the cons"
5:00~5:20 Snacks
5:20~7:20 Round 4
7:20~ Dinner/Break Announcement

9:00~9:30 Registration
9:30~11:30 Quarter-Finals
11:30~12:30 Lunch
12:40~2:40 Semi Finals
2:40~4:40 Grand Finals "THBT the best government for Libya is democracy"
4:40~ Awards Ceremony

Remember! Impromptu motions will have 50 minutes of prep time each! Each BP speech per person is 5 minutes!

2011년 10월 19일 수요일

URGENT NOTICE: Change in Venue

Due to manangement problems beyond our control, our venue will not be Chungshim Academy. I'm sure this is good news for some while bad news for some. However, due to Chungshim's far distance from Seoul, we hope that this change would actually make most of you guys happy.
The venue has not been decided and we will get it finalized by the end of this week at the LATEST. The venue will be in or very close to Seoul, and as the venue gets finalized we will post the finalization ASAP. The finalized schedule for our competition will be up tomorrow. Prep motions (2) will be announced tomorrow as well.

We're sorry for the sudden change in venues, but there were problems beyond our control. We are sorry for this urgent change. We will update everyone ASAP.

We consider everyone to apply quickly, as spots are being taken up every moment!!

Thanks :)

Org Com

2011년 10월 16일 일요일

Tentative Schedule

A more professionalized and finalized schedule (w/ motions) will be posted on Wednesday.

Day 1 (11/12)
-Roll Call, Introductory Speech
-Impromptu Round 1
-Impromptu Round 2
-Prepared Round 3
-Snack/ Break Time
-Impromptu Round 4
-Announcement of Breaking Teams

Day 2 (11/13)
*Only breaking teams and judges need to come.
-Roll call
-Quarters Impromptu
-Semis Prepared
-Finals Impromptu
-Award Ceremoney, Farewell

Important Tournament Details

KFLDT 2011- The first student-based nonprofit tournament to foster a healthier debating atmosphere in Korea and allow debate to be accessible to everyone throughout Korea. (Hosted by Qualified KFL Student Liaisons)

Who: Any Middle schooler can participate (Korean schools: 중1~3, Int'l Schools: 6~9 grade)
When: November 12~13 2011
Where: CSIA (Chungshim International Academy)
*Directions to Chungshim: http://www.csia.hs.kr/school/direction.asp
Why: A great experience and those who make it to the finals will recieve credit when applying for the Korean National Team for ESDC 2012 at Stuttgart, Germany.
How: Follow details below, titled "Registration Details"

Food will be provided at lunch and snacks and water will be provided anytime of the day. Lunch will be provided by 한솥도시락 and we will promise to get the best food possible. Awards (trophies, plaques, and certificates) will be handed out to the 4 finalist teams. Everyone will recieve a certificate of participation. Top speakers will also be recognized.

KIDA will be providing judges. British Parliamentry style will be followed throughout the tournament. Contact kfldt2011@gmail.com for any details.

Please check this blog continuously as new information will be posted at times.

Who are the Org Com Members?

Sadly, all KFL Student Liaisons were not able to participate in the org com. If any questions, do not hesitate to email kfldt2011@gmail.com or contact any liaisons in your schools.

The org com members are as follows:

Convenor: Brian Kim (김용권) - 서울국제학교
Executive Director: Yonghyun Kwon (권용현) - 북일고
Director of Finance: Minae Kwon (권민혜) - 한국국제학교
Director of External Communication: Hyunjin Hong (홍현진) - 청심고
Director of Management and Programs: Yerin Kim (김얘린) -민사고 & Alex Lee (이승렬) - 한국국제학교
Director of Special Affairs: Joonpyo Sohn (손준표) - 대원외고

Special thanks to KIDA (Korea Intervarsity Debate Association) for providing the chief adjudicator, tab director, as well as qualified judges!

KFLDT Registration and Consent Form Details

We will be anxiously waiting for your registrations! Please follow the forms below.

Go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/koreadebatelist/message/1140.

At the bottom of this message, please download the consent form and registration form. Bring the consent form to the tournament all signed. Fill out the registration form and send it to kfldt2011@gmail.com by Nov 1st. The reg cost is 3만원 per person, so one team will have to pay 6만원 in total.

The bank account information is as below:
*Send your regisration cost as your team name or either one of your teammate names.

Name: 김소연
Bank: 하나은행
Account Number: 139-910003-95605

2011년 10월 15일 토요일

KFLDT: British Parliamentry Directions

If you are already aware of the British Parliamentry debate format please disregard this post.

British Parliamentry style format is as follow (reposted from oxfordschools BP style guide):

Basic rules and advice about structure• Speeches are five minutes in length.
• The first and last minutes are protected time – no points of information may be made
during this time.
Points of Information should be offered during the three minutes of unprotected
time when members of the other side are speaking.
• Speeches should have a clear Internal Structure. It is often best to begin by
attacking the arguments of previous speakers from the other side (especially the one
just before you) and then to make you own points. Try to separate your arguments
into two, three or four areas (e.g. a social argument, a political argument and an
economic argument). Signpost your arguments clearly (e.g. “this is my first point”,
“now to move onto my second points”, “lastly, looking at my third point” etc): this
makes it much easier for the audience and the judges to follow your speech.
• Work as a team, ensuring that your arguments are consistent and complementary.

The roles of the four teams

Opening Proposition Team
First speaker
1. Define the motion (see below).
2. Outline the case he and his partner will put forward and explain which speaker
will deal with which arguments.
3. Develop his own arguments, which should be separated into two or three main
4. Finish by summarising his main points

Second speaker
1. Re-cap the team line.
2. Rebut the response made by the first opposition speaker to his partner’s speech.
3. Rebut the first opposition speaker’s main arguments.
4. Develop his own arguments – separated into two or three main points.
5. Finish with a summary of the whole team case.
Opening Opposition Team

First speaker
1. Respond to the definition if it is unfair or makes no link to the motion. You can
re-define (offer an alternative interpretation of the motion), but this can be risky
and should only be done when the definition is not debatable (usually better to
complain a little and hope the adjudicator gives you credit – “well this is a silly
definition but we’re going to debate it and beat you on it anyway” approach).
2. Rebut the first proposition speech.
3. Outline the case which she and her partner will put forward and explain which
speakers will deal with which arguments
4. Offer additional arguments (roughly 2) about why the policy is a bad idea, or
develop a counter case (i.e. an alternative proposal). This decision is largely based
on the circumstances of the debate, and only experience will provide guidance on

Second speaker
1. Rebut the speech of the second proposition speaker.
2. Offer some more arguments to support your partner’s approach to the motion.
3. Summarise the case for your team, including your own and your partner’s

Closing Proposition Team

First speaker
The first speaker must stake his team’s claim in the debate by doing one of the
1. Extend the debate into a new area (i.e. “this debate has so far focused on the
developed world, and now our team will extend that to look at the important
benefits for the developing world)
2. Introduce a couple of new arguments that make the case on his side more
Again, this decision depends on the scenario. This is quite a complex part of debating
to master, but it is very important to add something new to the debate or you will be

Second speaker
The last speech of a debate is known as a Summary Speech. In it you should step back
and look at the debate as a whole and explain why on all the areas you have argued your
side has won. You can:
1. Go through the debate chronologically (this is not very advanced and usually not
very persuasive either).
2. Go through one side’s case and then the other.
3. Go through the debate according to the main points of contention (this is the most
persuasive and advanced way) explaining why on each of the main issues that
have been debated have been won by your side.

Closing Opposition Team

First speaker
This is very similar to the second prop role.
1. You must rebut the new analysis of the third proposition speaker.
2. You must also bring an extension to the debate – i.e. extend the debate into a
new area or bring a couple of new arguments to the debate.

Second speaker
Like the closing proposition, the last opposition speaker must devote their whole
speech to a summing up and should not introduce new material.
The speech contents should follow the guidelines above and the order of speeches will be government speaker 1, opp speaker 1, gov speaker 2, opp speaker 2, gov speaker 3... and so on, finishing with opp speaker 4.

KFLDT Invitation Letter

Dear Korean Debating Community,

The Korean Forensics League Student Liaisons are pleased to announce the opening of the first Korea Forensics League Debate Tournament (KFLDT). The first tournament to be hosted by and run by the KFL Student Liaisons, KFLDT was created to foster a healthy debating community within Korea that center on student-led initiatives catered for student-based demands. Targeting middle school students throughout Korea, KFLDT seeks to provide middle school students with an opportunity to engage in an intellectual discourse with their peers and high school students with a chance to take a more proactive role in contributing to the debating community they are part of.

The first KFLDT will be held at Cheong Shim International Academy (CSIA) on 2011 November 12th~13th. The format of the tournament will be British Parliament with each team consisting of 2 people. Teams may consist of students from different institutions. There will be 4 power-matched preliminary rounds, followed by single elimination tournament rounds where the top 16 teams will compete for the tournament trophy. Furthermore, the award-recipients of KFLDT will have their performances taken into account in the upcoming ESDC (European Schools Debating Championship) selection process.

To register for the tournament, please fill out the attached registration form and send it to KFLDT2011@gmail.com by November 1st. The registration form and other information can also be found on our website http://kfldt2011.blogspot.com/. For any further questions, feel free to contact us at KFLDT2011@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you at the tournament.

Korea Forensics League Student Liaisons